Fruit & Vegetables

Broccoli Baby Each
$4.92 each
Broccoli Kgs
$7.02 per kg
Brussel Sprouts Baby Prepack
$6.60 each $22.00 per kg
Brussel Sprouts Each
$0.63 each (approx.) $15.73 per kg
Butlers Pantry Bay Leaves 10g
$4.92 each
Butlers Pantry Chives 20g
$3.87 each
ButlersPantry Curry Leaves 10g
$3.87 each
Butter Beans Pre Pack 250g
$9.43 each $0.92 each
Butter Beans Pre Pack 250g
$9.43 each $0.92 each
Butternut Pumpkin Kgs - please state whether whole or 1/​2
$4.39 per kg
Cabbage Drumhead Whole Each
$7.96 each
Cabbage Half Each
$4.81 each
Cabbage Quarter Each
$2.40 each
Cabbage Red Each
$7.02 each
Cabbage Red Half Each
$4.18 each
Cabbage Red Quarter
$2.08 each
Cabbage Savoy Half Each
$8.38 each
Cabbage Savoy Quarter Each
$4.39 each
Cabbage Savoy Whole
$14.05 each
Cabbage Sugarloaf Each
$6.18 each
Cabbage Tuscan (​Black) Each
$4.18 each
Cantaloupe / Rockmelon Each
$6.60 each
Cantaloupe / Rockmelon Half Each
$3.13 each
Capsicum Green Each
$2.07 each (approx.) $9.43 per kg
Capsicum Orange Each
$2.11 each (approx.) $11.74 per kg
Capsicum Red Each
Paper Specials
was $6.18 per kg $0.75 each (approx.) $3.59 per kg
Capsicum Sweet Palermo
$7.33 each
Capsicum Yellow Each
$1.68 each (approx.) $7.02 per kg
Capsicums Trio Prepack
was $7.86 $5.99 each
Capsicums Trio Prepack
was $7.86 $5.99 each
Carrot Each
$0.34 each (approx.) $2.40 per kg
Carrots 1kg
$2.08 each
Carrots 5kg
$7.86 each $1.57 per kg
Carrots Dutch Bunch
$6.28 each
Carrots Dutch Heirloom Bunch
$8.80 each
Carrots Juicing 5kg
$7.86 each $1.57 per kg
Carrots Snackables 250g
was $4.50 $2.99 each
Carrots Snackables 250g
was $4.50 $2.99 each
Cauliflower Each
$5.55 each
Cauliflower Half Each
$3.66 each
Celeric Each
$7.75 each
Celery Half Each
$2.40 each
Celery Piece Each
$0.28 each (approx.) $3.45 per kg
Celery Whole Each
$3.55 each
Chard Rainbow Bunch
$5.97 each
Chervil Bunch
$6.70 each
Chilli Green Horn Sweet Large Each
$1.23 each (approx.) $12.27 per kg
Chilli Green Long Each
$0.63 each (approx.) $31.48 per kg
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